Desktop Wallpapers

Welcome to the RPG Wall of Fame.

Do you have what it takes to make the wall?  On the wall you can find some of our killer shots along with our customers best shots and slap them up on your favorite computers as your desktop wallpaper.  To download your copy just click through the “Read More” Links for all the available sizes on each wallpaper.

Do YOU have what it takes to make the Wall of Fame?  Submit your best shots of your RPG Rig in Action and you just might make the wall.  If you make the wall, you’ll be able to claim bragging rights as well as sport some RPG schwag to make your buddies even more jealous than they already are.  To enter your rig, send us an email* at and if you make the cut, we’ll notify you.

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*Photo Submission Terms and Conditions

  • By submitting a photograph, you are allowing Raptor Performance Group to publish it on this website and, once published, it will be available for viewing by any other person visiting Raptor Performance Group websites, social media sites and digital properties.
  • Copyright in all images submitted for this competition remains with the respective photographer.
  • All submitted photographs must have the permission of the original photographer (person who took the photograph).
  • Where photographs include images of people you agree that you will only upload them after obtaining the permission of those people appearing in the photographs. In addition, anyone under the age of 18 must seek the consent of their parent or guardian, to be included in any photograph which is submitted.
  • Raptor Performance Group reserves the right, for whatever reason, to decline publication of any photograph which is uploaded, or to edit any title or description where it is deemed inappropriate.
  • Please contact Raptor Performance Group immediately regarding any photograph submitted in error or one that you feel is infringing the Terms and Conditions above.